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The benefits medicianel of the tayyun

The benefits medicianel of the tayyun

We brought you today on our tour to introduce the goodness of our neglected country through the mountains and reefs with a wild herb available free of charge at the edge of roads and reefs that has a distinctive aromatic smell

 Everyone knows it but does not care about its benefits .. Only bees are the ones who preceded us and produced for us from it a bitter honey of the finest types of honey 

 It is called our dialect of Ayraman. It is known to some as Maqraman and by the Arabs Al-Tayyun, and its scientific name is inula viscosa

We show you its most important benefits

 It is beneficial to bees and its flowers are preferred for honey production

 Pain reliever

 Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

 Tonic for bleeding and swollen gums and teeth

 Repellent to worms, by boiling root juice

 Reducing blood sugar, by drinking clay tea

 Laxative for the stomach

 Tonic for sexual ability

 Anti-fungal and bacterial

 Tissue protector

Reduced DNA oxidation

Open the airways, boiling fruits and flowers

 Antiseptic for wounds

Tonic for the immune system in the body

 An antibiotic

 It is used to remove the thorns of the Indian bean 

 Killer and repel harmful insects

 Reduced pollution

 An intestinal disinfectant

 An antioxidant. The Bayerman herb is also distinguished by its astringent and anti-microbial properties, which may contribute to fighting bacterial infection, and it also increases sweating in individuals trying to rid their bodies of bacteria or viruses.

 Gas repellent

Keep fruits from drying out

 Eye lotion

It is also used to treat tumors and joint pain. And the flowering branches are used to treat bronchitis, tuberculosis, anemia, malaria and urinary system diseases. It is also boiled in oil and used on bruises and tumors for rheumatic pain. The leaf extract is used to treat heavy headaches

One of the wonders of God’s creation in this plant is that it greatly contributes to the elimination of the olive tree’s tank. It is also one of the preferred flowers for bees to produce the finest honey from this precious plant

Due to its high tannin content, lactating women and pregnant women should not consume macaroni in any way as it affects the menstrual cycle

