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The benefits mediciane of banana peels

The benefits mediciane of banana peels

Many are aware of the importance of the banana fruit. But what about the banana peels? That we throw it away every time. And I remember one day that a frugal person was surprised when I asked him during the baccalaureate exam to collect me the Lebanese peels that were thrown into the restaurant in a bag to take. He was astonished and even hinted at me what to do with it. Today we are showing you its terrible benefits ... for humans as a remedy and plants as a natural fertilizer

The benefits that can be obtained from banana peels when using them are

Banana peel works to rid the face of various types of pimples

It hides the old marks of pimples that appear on the face

Treats acne because it contains zinc

Banana peel can be used as a sunscreen for the face, because it contains antioxidants such as lutein and vitamin E, which provide this protection

Banana peel is used in the preparation of many cosmetics, which in turn treat eczema and psoriasis

It works to reduce itching and irritation of the skin caused by the stings and stings of different types of insects

It leads to a face-lift, thus eliminating any visible lines or wrinkles on the face.

It gives the face the necessary hydration and vitality, because it contains the necessary potassium element

Banana peel contains Vitamin C, which is responsible for the production of collagen, which is necessary for the production of oils in the skin

- Hemorrhoids can be treated with bananas because it contains elements that reduce swelling and stimulate blood circulation, as it is rich in antioxidants and contains a large proportion of vitamin B-6, which helps to produce white blood cells that fight and face infections and tumors. Banana peel is placed on the hemorrhoids from 5 to 10 minutes, for at least 3 times a day, to get rid of her pain and treat the problem gradually

Banana peel is very important in getting rid of dark spots and lightening them, in addition to protecting the face from exposure to discoloration

Banana peel is rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain a healthy face, such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin Magnesium. It is also beneficial for sex and erectile dysfunction treatment

How to use banana peel is to use it only once and throw

The correct way to use banana peel on the face is as follows

Take a small piece of banana peel

Put it on the place to be treated, and leave it for a short period not exceeding a few minutes, or until there is a change in the color of the crust from the inner layer so that it becomes brown, taking into account the drying of the banana peel and leaving it for a period of at least half an hour

Clean it with warm water after the allotted time has expired

In this way, the peel absorbs the nutritious vitamins in the banana peel

Take into account doing this process three times per day, in order to obtain the results required to treat any problem that the face is exposed to, and to enjoy freshness, vitality and activity, knowing that fresh banana peel must be used

Banana peels for teeth whitening: Rub your teeth with the inside of the banana peels every day for two weeks. Positive results will appear soon.

Wart Removal: Skin warts can be removed easily with banana peels. Not only will these peels help get rid of them, but also prevent them from reappearing in the future. Apply banana peel to the wart and fix it with a bandage. Let her rest during the night like this. Continue this procedure until the pimples are completely eliminated

Acne and wrinkles: Banana peel is an excellent ingredient for complete skin care. It contains antioxidants but also anti-aging properties. Banana peels can moisturize and nourish your skin. Just rub the banana peels on the skin, especially on the affected and problem areas. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash your face

So, now that you know these very powerful properties of banana peels, no matter if you suffer from wrinkles, warts or psoriasis, scrub the banana peels and everything will be better!

Banana peels can also be relied on to return the shine to household utensils that have lost their luster, especially silver ones

- Banana peel also contains tryptophan, which increases the secretion of the happiness hormone "serotonin" in the brain, which affects the mood and is useful in treating depression and a feeling of happiness and relaxation. Banana peel also helps reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, which leads to reducing the risk of heart disease. So you can prepare a relaxing tea for the nerves and aid in restful sleep. This is done by cooking banana peels with water for three minutes and then leaving them aside for another ten minutes

Banana peels are rich in minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, as well as nitrogen and sulfur. This makes it a very suitable material for use as a natural fertilizer for NBK plants, as small pieces of banana peels can be placed next to the plants or planted in the soil before placing the plants in them. Banana peels eliminate harmful insects and bring beneficial insects. Or put small pieces of it in bottles, add water and close it well, then leave it for about a week to decompose and water with its water houseplants and other trees. And about an experiment that has helped me a lot in my plants, thank God, because I do not rely on chemical fertilizers at all

Rubbing the furniture with banana peel helps polish it super quickly, just like leather shoes

Damage to banana peel: It is always advised that bananas should be washed thoroughly, as well as hands, after touching them and removing their bark when using them for the skin .. Banana cultivation involves the use of large quantities of pesticides and insecticides, which are harmful to humans as well, and it is preferable not to give unpeeled bananas to children, except after washing and peeling them

Nature has life ... sow, do not cut, and throw everything, for in it there is something that works 

