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  Signs of poor fertility in a woman  

 Slim Body_

A perfect weight and body is generally a healthy thing, but a flat, six-muscle belly is not fertility's best friend. A healthy amount of body fat is essential for the hormone to function. If the BMI is too low, the hormone's function is not in its optimal state for reproduction

 Sleeping for less than 7-8 hours a day_

Sleeping for only 6 hours a night, and the inability to sleep continuously for 7-8 hours per day, this is related to levels of leptin depression throughout the next day. Leptin is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. Also, there is a disturbance in the concentrations of the hormone leptin, which negatively affects the ovulation process. Make sure to get enough sleep every day for 7-8 hours in order to boost your fertility

 Doing violent exercise more than five times a week _

Heavy exercise harms a woman's fertility, while moderate exercise increases a woman's fertility. Excessive exercise has also been linked to infertility

The menstrual cycle is short or long (more or less than 28 days)_

Most women have no idea how important having a menstrual period between 28-32 days is for fertility. A menstrual cycle that comes every 28 days allows enough time for the egg to mature properly and also supports a good chance of fertilization. This also means that the fertilized egg has time to implant before the start of the next menstrual period. Both the short and long cycle have been associated with decreased fertility, and in some cases the chances of egg maturation decreased to 50%

 Menstrual cramps_

PMS, pain and cramps are all annoying things. Severe acute pain is often associated with other problems such as polyps, fibroids, and hormonal imbalances. Studies have shown that infertile women experience these symptoms more often than other women with high fertility

Very light bleeding_

Women are happy when the days of their menstrual cycle are short. This means less blood flow and short menstrual periods. But at the same time it is not a healthy indicator of the body. Studies have shown that the first five days of menstruation are evidence of fertility. Why is the amount of blood or bleeding something that should be paid attention to? Because intact menstrual bleeding is a reflection of healthy endometriosis and a reflection of high fertility. When the lining of the uterus is thin, the days of the menstrual cycle decrease, and also the chances of pregnancy decrease

 Old age_

When women reach menopause and menopause, and this usually occurs between 40-50 years, the woman is unable to conceive. But in this period or before it, a woman may face several fertility problems, as ovulation becomes irregular and the number of eggs decreases.

There is no specific age at which fertility begins to deplete, and many doctors say that it often becomes difficult to conceive after the age of 35. But this age varies from one woman to another, as some women at this age may stop menstruating, and for some The other may continue to menstruate until the age of 40 years

 Mother "hereditary factor"_

Ask your mother when she started having menopause. If you start it early, you are more likely to have menopause early as well. Doctors say that women are born with a certain number of eggs, and there are genetic factors that control the large or small number of eggs, or they may consume the number of eggs faster in some women


Smoking harms the fetus greatly, but in the beginning it greatly affects the chances of pregnancy in the first place. Smoking causes infertility, up to 13%.

Thyroid disease_

Here is a study published in 2015 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, this study supported the theory of the thyroid disorder being linked to the problem of ovulation and pregnancy, and it showed when testing women with a thyroid disorder, they had difficulty conceiving

