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Treatment of high blood pressure with medicinal herbs

Treatment of high blood pressure with medicinal herbs

 High blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood pumping from the heart through the arteries, within a normal rate of 120/80 mm Hg, and the increase in pressure above the normal range is known as high blood pressure, which is one of the most common diseases among the elderly and adults, and it should not be underestimated With it, as it may cause death complications; As high blood pressure is associated with cardiovascular disease, it is also linked to diabetes, kidney failure, and damage to the retina

Causes of high blood pressure

Eat salt in large quantities

Drink stimulants high in caffeine

Excessive weight gain

Not to exercise in any way

Smoking and psychological stress

Eat high-fat meals

Treatment of high blood pressure with medicinal herbs

Nettle herb (nettle)

 by boiling fifty grams of fresh or dried nettle herb in a liter of water, for about five minutes, leaving the boiled until it cools, and then filtering the liquid, and drinking it several times during the day

Watercress herb

 By boiling two tablespoons of crushed herb in half a liter of water for five minutes, and then leaving the boiled until it cools, and then filtering the liquid, and drinking it at a rate of half a cup before eating meals

Linden flower

 by soaking two tablespoons of the herb powder in half a liter of boiling water for a quarter of an hour, and then filtering the liquid, and drinking it at a rate of two cups daily

Fresh olive tree leaves

 by picking the olive leaves in an amount that fills the fist, then cleaning them well, and cutting them into small parts, and then soaking them in half a liter of boiling water for a quarter of an hour, filtering the liquid, and drinking it at the rate of one cup immediately after eating meals .

Fenugreek: It is included in many medical prescriptions, because it contains many elements, vitamins and antioxidants, and has also proven effective in reducing high pressure, by boiling a tablespoon or two of the fenugreek in a cup of warm water for two minutes, until the consistency of the fenugreek becomes like a paste, and eat it Twice a day, on an empty stomach and in the evening

Treat blood pressure naturally

It is possible to treat high blood pressure using natural materials other than herbs, most notably


 It reduces high blood pressure, strengthens the heart, and reduces the stiffness of blood vessels, by drinking lemon juice several times a day, or adding lemon juice to a cup of warm water, and drinking it daily on an empty stomach


 One of the oldest recipes used in treating high blood pressure, as it reduces pressure, cholesterol level, strengthens the heart, and protects the body from heart disease, by eating four to five garlic cloves, followed by a cup of boiled milk and garlic added to it, and it can also be eaten By mixing six drops of garlic juice, in four teaspoons of water, homogeneously, and drinking the mixture twice daily

