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 Irregularity of the cycle

Many women and girls suffer from hormonal disorders, which directly causes irregularity or interruption of the menstrual cycle, as the normal menstrual cycle lasts between 23 to 35 days, and lasts for four or seven days, but in the event that the menstruation is too late

 It is not normal, and it requires medical intervention, to find out the causes, and take the necessary action, to avoid the occurrence of health problems

Causes of irregular menstruation

Extreme thinness, and malnutrition

Physical and psychological exhaustion



Polycystic ovary infection

Infections in the pelvis

Cancer of the ovaries, vagina, or cervix

Regulating the menstrual cycle with herbs


 by drinking a decoction of fig leaves; By boiling 30 grams of fig leaves, in a liter of water, filtering the liquid, and drinking it before the session, as it regulates it


 by grinding a tablespoon of seeds, to extract the oil from them, then soaking the seeds in a cup of boiling water, leaving it for a quarter of an hour, then filtering the liquid, and drinking it, and it is recommended to drink soaked the seeds regularly, to regulate the cycle


 containing antioxidant properties, regulate ovulation, so it is recommended to eat all types of berries available, or drink blueberry juice


 have long been used as a treatment for irregular menstruation, by consuming lentil soup regularly. Because it contains an ample proportion of iron and folic acid, which strengthens the blood, and treats anemia, which are among the causes of irregularity in the cycle


 by eating a spoonful of sesame on a daily basis; As sesame contains an ample proportion of zinc, which regulates the level of hormones in the body


 by drinking boiled fresh parsley leaves, or parsley seeds regularly, where a quantity of parsley leaves is boiled in a liter of water, for five minutes, then left to cool down, and then the liquid is filtered and drunk, at a rate of two cups a day, before meals, And continue with this recipe, until the cycle is regular


 by drinking anise decoction, and drinking it on a regular basis daily, and it is also recommended to drink the decoction of melissa, chamomile, and green tea, because it contains a high percentage of antioxidants

It is recommended to follow a complete diet, rich in vitamin C, fatty acids and omega-3s, zinc and iron, antioxidants, and flavonoids, and fish, salmon and green leafy plants are rich in these elements, which have proven effective in regulating the level of hormones in the body and regulating the menstrual cycle

