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Treating anemia with medicinal herbs

Treating anemia with medicinal herbs

Anemia or anemia is a decrease in the number of healthy red blood cells, or a decrease in the percentage of hemoglobin, which is the main component of blood cells from its normal level, which is estimated at 11 g / dl for females, and 13 g / dl for males, which is responsible for transporting and delivering oxygen To all parts of the body; In order to be able to perform its functions to the fullest, and anemia is one of the most common problems among individuals, and this problem is accompanied by many symptoms that affect the course of the daily life of the injured, and therefore we will present in this topic methods of treating anemia with herbs

Causes of anemia

Genetic factors

Abnormal fatigue and stress


Drug and alcohol abuse

Pregnancy period in a woman

Constipation and diarrhea that prevent you from benefiting from food in the right way

Psychological disorders


Symptoms of anemia

Emaciation and general weakness

Pale and yellowish skin color

Dizziness and dizziness, with blurriness in the eyes

Increased heart palpitations, and extreme fatigue on minimal exertion

Loss of appetite for different foods

Redness of the tongue, and numbness of hands and feet

Infection with broken nails and cracked sides of the mouth

Methods of treating anemia with herbs

Thyme, mint, and chamomile

We mix equal quantities of thyme, chamomile, and mint together, take a spoonful of the mixture, and pour over it a cup of boiling water, and leave it for a quarter of an hour until it boils, and after that we filter it, and drink water before lunch and before dinner on a daily basis

Barley and milk

We mix three tablespoons of milled barley and half a liter of curd together, and add to the mixture a pinch of salt, mix the ingredients well with each other, and put it on the fire for ten minutes, stirring it from time to time, then remove it from the fire, and add honey and raisins to it The seeds are removed, then we eat this mixture, and be careful not to give it to people with diabetes


We mix a tablespoon of watercress juice and a cup of water or fresh milk, and drink this drink three times a day

The fenugreek

We mix a tablespoon of ground fenugreek and honey together, and take this amount twice a day. Once half an hour before lunch, and again half an hour before dinner

Ginseng roots

Ginseng root can be eaten whole, or in powder form, as it is an effective treatment for anemia

Nettle and alfalfa

Eat the leaves of the alfalfa plant and nettle, because it is considered one of the strong remedies for getting rid of severe anemia


Beets are a rich source of iron that helps build red blood cells, and thus get rid of anemia, so we drink beet juice on a daily basis.


Spinach is one of the most important vegetables that help treat anemia, and therefore we must be careful to eat it

