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treatment of blackness under the eyes with medical herbs

treatment of blackness under the eyes with medical herbs

treatment of blackness under the eyes with medical herbs

Darkening under the eyes is a common skin problem. It occurs due to a lack of oxygen, the blood color appears from under the thin layer of the skin under the eye, then the black aura emerges, and this means that the blood is loaded with carbon dioxide, and when the body gets rid of the toxic elements it becomes rich in oxygen, which leads to the disappearance of these circles

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Fatigue and stress

Not sleeping enough hours

Exposure to hot sunlight

Exposure to stress and nervousness

Laziness, lethargy, and lack of movement




Treatment of blackness under the eyes with herbs

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea helps reduce dark circles under the eyes, by applying compresses of it on the eyes

the milk

By making compresses from powdered milk, and placing them on the closed eye


Peppermint leaves are soaked in water, crushed, and then placed on the eye, or a cotton ball is dipped in mint juice, and placed on the eye


Apples contain tannic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B, and potassium, and these substances nourish the sensitive area around the eye and open it, by cutting the apples into large slices and placing them on the eye for thirty minutes, then rinsing them with cold water, and the apples can be kneaded and boiled. And put the paste under the eye for half an hour, then rinse it with lukewarm water


By placing two cotton balls in lemon juice, then applying them to the eyes for fifteen minutes, then rinsing the face and eyes with lukewarm water


By bringing a spoonful of lemon juice, a little chickpea flour and turmeric, and two tablespoons of tomato paste, then mix the ingredients well, and put them around the eye for fifteen minutes, then wash the face well, and repeat this recipe three times a week


By moistening two tea bags, and placing them under the eyes for fifteen minutes


By mixing equal amounts of yeast, starch, olive oil, sesame oil, and honey, then applying the mixture to the under-eye area, leaving it for thirty minutes, and this process is repeated three times a week

Pine oil

Apply the blackness under the eyes with pine oil on a daily basis


Bring equal quantities of honey, almond oil, and yogurt, mixing them well, then put the resulting mixture under the eye for fifteen minutes, then wash it


Boil the lettuce, add rose water to it, then wipe the under-eye area with it

Tips to avoid darkening under the eyes

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Avoid fried and fatty foods

Drink lots of water

Exercising, especially walking, stimulates blood circulation

Quit Smoking

Avoid soft drinks and caffeinated drinks. Like coffee and tea

