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The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a type of autumn fruit, and the pomegranate tree reaches a height of about six meters and its branches hang down at the end of its thorns

 It has green leaves that tend to green, and it has white or red flowers that become delicious fruits in scarlet or yellowish-red color inside. Hundreds of shiny, red or white watery grains

 the pomegranate fruits are spherical in shape and bear a crown, and the peelings of the pomegranate fruits are leathery, and these peels contain a tinted material (tannins) often used in dyeing since ancient times and until now, used in leather tanning and silk dyeing

Benefits of pomegranate peel for the face

Lightening facial skin

Through the following method


A spoon of ground lupine,   a spoon of ground fenugreek,    a spoonful of crushed pomegranate peel,      a simple sprinkle of salt

How to prepare

We knead the previous ingredients with a spoon of honey until a cohesive dough is formed. Put it on the face for thirty minutes, then rub the face to remove the dough in a circular motion, then wash the face

Facial pores narrowing

This is through the following

the ingredients

A spoonful of crushed and dried pomegranate peel. A spoonful of rose water

How to prepare

We mix these ingredients into a dough. We clean the face well with warm water and soap. Put the mixture on the face and leave it for about a quarter of an hour, then wash the place well with soap and water. We pass a piece of ice on the face and focus on the areas of large pores

Smoothen facial skin

the ingredients

A spoonful of crushed and dried pomegranate peel, a spoonful of fresh lemon juice, a spoonful of rose water

How to prepare

Mix all the ingredients together to form a thick mixture. Put the mixture on the face and neck for a quarter of an hour, then rinse the face with warm soapy water, then with cold water

Other benefits of pomegranate peel

It reduces heart diseases as it is rich in antioxidants

 It helps in ridding the body of toxins

 An important source and rich in vitamin C, which works to heal wounds, scars and others

 It is useful for teeth, as it is used in the preparation of many types of toothpastes, in addition to that if it is taken ground with Water eliminates bad breath

 It is useful in cases of sore throat and cough as it relieves them by gargling with peel powder with water

 It helps to moisturize the skin and skin and prevents it from dehydration. Protects from harmful sun rays

 Fights aging and protects against skin cancer through the preparations that enter With pomegranate peel, it maintains healthy hair and protects it from dandruff and hair loss

