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Sage is one of the most famous plants that fall under the list of the mint plant family

 It takes the greenish-silver color and the areas of the Mediterranean Basin are considered its main home, and it is one of the oldest aromatic herbs that man has resorted to, since early times

 he used it in many areas, chiefly cooking and adding flavors to drinks Different, for medical and cosmetic purposes, and for the treatment of many different health problems, as it contains in its composition natural elements, minerals, fats, and proteins that make it a treatment for digestive problems, poor fertility, coughing, bleeding, and bone diseases, mainly rheumatism and others, as we all realize the extent of Its importance in this field, but many of us are ignorant of the importance of sage for women specifically, and in view of this we will review the most prominent benefits of sage for women specifically

The benefits of Sagebrush for women

Sage helps greatly to control and regulate the different hormones in women, especially the estrogen hormone and the great changes that occur to it during the different stages of a woman’s life, especially menopause or the postmenopausal or menstrual phase

 They reduce menstrual disorders and relieve their pain, as well as control It reduces the abundance of blood during that period, that is, it controls menstrual bleeding and reduces it because it is one of the strongest vasoconstrictors, and also helps to regularize the menstrual cycle on a monthly basis, especially in its beginnings in puberty among girls

 It works to improve the mood of girls and women in general, especially during the period The menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by many mood swings, raises the spirits, and helps to get rid of the water stored in the body during that period

 It purifies and cleans the uterus, protects it from various disorders, as well as protects it from infections and activates the work of the ovaries in women, which makes it one of the strongest elements Natural products intended to increase fertility

 It is considered a disinfectant for various wounds, and one of the most important antiperspirants or perspiration, and is also used to get rid of various gum problems, on top of which are infections, and this is what explains Using it as a disinfectant and mouthwash, as it works to sterilize it from various germs and microbes

 It purifies the skin and maintains its freshness and radiance, by eating it or using it locally on the skin, as it eliminates pimples and pimples and their effects, and overcomes black spots, and is very suitable for owners Oily skin, which is characterized by an abundance of sebum secretions, shine and pimples

 It burns cellulite and fats, and is very suitable for people who want to lose weight, as sage oil is used to get rid of obesity and fat accumulated in many areas of the body

