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The magic drink for the general strength of body cells

The magic drink for the general strength of body cells

The magic drink for the general strength of body cells

One head of beetroot + one head of carrots + one apple

Wash it well, chop it with the skin, and put it in the press

Or a blender, then drink the juice right away

(You can add lemon to it to improve the flavor, knowing that the taste is okay)

Benefits of this drink

 It stops the growth of cancer cells

 It protects the kidney, pancreas and liver from diseases and treats ulcers

It strengthens the lung and prevents heart attack and high pressure

 It strengthens the immune system

 It strengthens eyesight and removes redness, fatigue and dryness in the eyes

 Helps relieve fatigue from physical exercise (muscle pain)

 Eliminates toxin and its effects * Helps bowel movement

* Eliminates constipation * Makes the skin healthy and more fresh and eliminates acne

It improves the breath and eliminates the odor resulting from bad digestion

 Reduces menstrual pain

 Reduces bed fever

 effective and highly nourishment in weight loss

 There are no side effects. Take once, one hour before breakfast

And to get quick results, it can be taken twice a day before breakfast

And before dinner, to have a good effect, you should drink the juice immediately after it has been squeezed

Try it and you will notice an improvement in your immune system after two weeks of treatment

 Follow day and prescribe it

