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A recipe for closing large pores and for whitening and tightening the skin

 A recipe for closing large pores and for whitening and tightening the skin

 Starch mask

Starch mask to treat large pores

It is used to treat pimples on the face and large pores

And sunburn in addition to being a good cleanser for the skin


A tablespoon of starch

A little water

A little olive oil


The skin is first applied with olive oil, then the starch is mixed with water

Then it is placed on the skin for 20 minutes

Then rinse with warm water, then cold water

  Mixture of starch mask for hair removal

This mask gives your face a bright white color

It is recommended directly after removing hair from the face

It is a good moisturizer for the skin and removes redness and inflammation

Skin and pills that occur after hair removal


Half a cup of cold water

Three tablespoons of rose water

One tablespoon of starch


Dissolve starch in water and rose water and stir over a low heat

For two minutes or more, until it thickens its texture

And it becomes like a gel then placed in the refrigerator until it cools down

It is coated on the face and left until it dries up, then gently rub your face

Or rinse with lukewarm water and then cold water

This mask works once or twice a day to gain a lighter color on the face and a faster result

