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Medicinal benefits of thyme plant

Medicinal benefits of thyme plant

From our forest pharmacy and its fun ... we know you with something very wonderful and medicinal par excellence

It is one of the important medicinal plants that have great and terrible benefits that are unbelievable for health, and it grows in mountains and between rocks as a wild plant, and it can be multiplied and cultivated in homes and benefit from its therapeutic properties known to everyone and it is It is available free of charge in our forests, but it has a high price in the shops, and a kilogram of it is about half a million centimes. But few people know all its benefits

It is famous for its pleasant aroma and spicy taste

It is a wild thyme plant ... its scientific name in Latin is thymus capitatus and it grows on the edge of valleys, reefs and forests and has a strong smell and its wild leaves are small and it is a perennial plant

Unfortunately it is subjected to random picking from the roots. Instead of plucking the stems, all this is for purely commercial purposes

The thyme plant helps in the treatment of respiratory infections, whooping cough disease, and shortness of breath caused by asthma, and helps to get rid of phlegm, and is useful in cases of pneumonia, and soothes the pulmonary people, and it is possible to eat thyme soak, or use its oil in a chest massage before bed .

It strengthens the immune system, strengthens the muscles, and prevents cardiovascular disease. Pain reliever and stimulate blood circulation. It prevents infections in the urinary tract and bladder, and relieves the pain of renal colic. Lowers the level of harmful cholesterol.
Helps eliminate gas in the digestive system, facilitates digestion and absorption.

It prevents the reproduction of parasites and fungi such as amoeba, and contains carvacrol that kills microbes. It treats diarrhea because it has astringent properties, and it is preferable to eat thyme with olive oil.

It contains natural substances that have antioxidant properties. It strengthens memory, increases comprehension, and stimulates brain work and functions. It stimulates the scalp, prevents hair loss, and improves its growth. Relieves tooth pain, and prevents gum infections, by boiling cloves with thyme and leaving to cool, and rinsing them with this boiled. Fights tooth decay by chewing green thyme leaves.

Sweating increases in cases of fever and diseases, but it is advised to cover the body while drinking it and not to be exposed to the air.

It treats warts, especially if it is mixed with special ointments to treat warts. It is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes, and is used in mummification processes. Preservative for meat, and it is used in roasting dressings. It treats skin diseases such as psoriasis, and eczema. Treating skin burns and mitigating their effects.

It treats people with diabetes, because it controls blood sugar levels. Good for eyesight, moisturizes eyes, and prevents glaucoma. Purifies the blood from toxins, by drinking boiled thyme sweetened with honey in the morning is useful in cases of kidney stones by mixing 100 grams of thyme and 50 grams of corn hair, boil the mixture, sweeten it with honey and drink three times a day. Useful for athletes because it reduces the possibility of cramping because it contains compounds that reduce prostaglandins in the muscles.

It is useful in cases of irregular menstruation. Used as a wound sterilizer. How to prepare boiled thyme: Boil thyme with its flowering veins and leaves and sweeten with honey, and one to three cups can be eaten. It is also possible to drink it with a spoonful of it, crushed with water.

Damage to healthy thyme:

Generally, thyme is not known to be an allergen, but moderation is required in everything, as eating large quantities of thyme may cause problems in the digestive system, such as colon irritation and increased stomach acidity due to being hot
Pregnant women should not take thyme oil because it stimulates the flow of the menstrual cycle, and thyme oil must be kept away from infants and young children.

Thyme oil cannot be drunk. Its oil can cause nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle problems if taken orally.

Also, thyme may stimulate the thyroid gland, so thyme oil is not recommended for people who suffer from hyperthyroidism, and people who suffer from high blood pressure should also refrain from it, because thyme increases blood circulation.
