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Fire (nettles) natural pharmacy

Fire (nettles) natural pharmacy

Natural fertilizer from the fire plant We present here a plant that has great benefits not only as a natural fertilizer rich in nitrogen, but also as a harmless natural pesticide against insects such as aphids and whitefly and even as an anti-fungal.
Harika plant or nettle l'ortie can be used a lot in agriculture, in a natural and 100% organic

Below we explain its benefits and how to use it:

1. Harika plant is considered a very important source of nitrogen. It is used as a natural nitrogen fertilizer, whether by spraying on the leaves or with watering.

2. This plant can be used to control some pests, especially aphids, spider insects, and even fruit fly worms, as well as some fungal pests such as Mildiou.

3. The plant helps to strengthen its immune system by secreting some antibiotics such as phytoalexines and others.

4. It helps to start the fermentation process when it is added to agricultural waste to make compost.

The process of making a fire soak:

Cut and crush 1 kg of Harika plant or cut it into small pieces and put it in a suitable bucket or container, and add 10 liters of water to it. We point out that it is important that the bucket is not made of metal. Plastic bucket better.

A lid is placed over the bucket without closing it completely. An air outlet must be left.
Leave the bucket in a relatively hot place (preferably around 25 ° C) to facilitate the fermentation process, with stirring the soak once a day if possible.
After several days, bubbles appear, indicating that fermentation has begun. Continue stirring the soak once a day until the bubbles are completely gone, indicating that the soak is ready for use (often after about 15 days)

be careful!! Do not use this soak directly, but must first dilute it with water as follows:
10 liters of water are added to 2 liters of soaked to be used as a nitrogen rich fertilizer with which the plant is watered

Add 10 liters of water to just 1 liter of soaked to be used as an insecticide or an anti-fungal spray on the leaves.
Note: Gloves should be used when mowing the Harika plant, in order to avoid the annoying effects that this plant causes on the skin that everyone knows.

considered one of the most effective medicinal plants:
✅ It works against arthritis and rheumatism pain,
✅ Relieves benign prostatitis,
✅ Relieve sciatica pain,
✅ A very good diuretic,
✅ Against anemia, so that iron is easily absorbed in the digestive system,
✅ It is used to relieve the burning pain associated with severe itching,
✅ Relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis,
✅ Treatment for insect bites,
✅ Stimulates hair growth,
✅ It strengthens immunity and stimulates sexual activity.

🔴 How to use:
✅ Compresses.
✅ In the form of drenched or scales.
✅ Distilled water or hydrolla.
