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 Propolis for diseases

 Propolis in the treatment of arthritis rheumatism

Take a daily dose of 1: 2 grams of Propolis, or by adding it to honey and eating them together, or by massaging gently with Propolis on the affected area until the symptom is gone

Propolis and Asthma

1.5 grams of propolis should be taken daily in the form of a capsule. Liquid propolis can also be used, as it works immediately when taken to reduce the onslaught of asthma

Propolis in the treatment of bedsores

 Use a powder consisting of 10% propolis powder in 80% in an inert powder

 Use propolis solution at a concentration of 10% and spray the affected areas before the rash of bed sores

Make an ointment from propolis and honey with a percentage of 3% propolis and paint twice until completely cured

Propolis and bone regeneration

Propolis can be taken during the day in an amount not exceeding 3 grams per day, for a period of 2 to 3 weeks, after a bone fracture occurred

 Propolis and bronchitis treatment

Preferably a combination of honey and propolis and take two tablespoons three times daily until complete recovery

 Propolis in the treatment of burns

Propolis mixed with natural honey is used to treat burns of all kinds

 Propolis in the treatment of colitis

Propolis is added to a warm liquid and taken on an empty stomach on an empty stomach

 Propolis, coughs and colds

For a complete recovery from cough and cold, take 1: 1.5 grams of propolis per day for at least three days

 Propolis and dental proplems

Propolis is used as a mouthwash or gargle as it has a strong anesthetic effect that relieves pain and at the same time cleanses the mouth

 Propolis and aid in healing from diabetes

A mixture of pollen and propolis, to be taken 3 gm daily for 3 months

 Propolis and Eyes

To treat various eye problems, microbial and viral infections, it is used

 An ophthalmic solution containing 2: 5% propolis

 Ointment containing 5: 10% propolis

 Propolis in the treatment of influenza Flu

Propolis consumers are less likely to get infection if they use Propolis

 1.5 grams can be taken daily

