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Herbal fungicide treatment

 Mouth softening

Since birth, a person has suffered from many simple and complex health problems, and one of these problems is the infection of oral fungi, which are in the form of white spots on the tongue, so that they appear as a result of the difference in balance between the fungi inside the mouth and the beneficial bacteria, so that they weaken them. What are the causes that lead to infection? What are the symptoms of its presence? How can it be treated using herbs?s

Causes of injury

Lack of attention to oral and dental hygiene. Too much antibiotics such as cortisone. Weak body immunity. Stomach infections. Too much contraceptive pill. Poor diet. Diabetes, anemia, or cancer in addition to dry mouth. Smoking and alcohol. Inadequate dentures for the person using it, psychological problems such as stress and anxiety

Symptoms of infection

White patches appear on the tongue, a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, loss of the sense of taste

Treat it with herbs

The use of honey as the first medical preparation for the treatment of oral fungi, and this is done by applying honey to all areas affected by fungi more than once in the same day

 Maintaining oral and dental hygiene, by washing the teeth and tongue with water and paste, using toothpicks, mouthwashes that contain lethal antiseptics For harmful bacteria, in addition to using lemon juice, water and salt as well

 Use of flour mixed with sesame, and rub all areas affected by fungi with them and leave them on them for a certain period of time, then repeat this step once in the morning and once in the evening

 Use oxygen water, which works to kill Fungi by rinsing the mouth with it, making sure that its quantity is equivalent to no more than 20 grams, and after completing rinsing with it, use plain water to remove traces of oxygen water from the mouth

 Use boiled cloves with water, by rinsing with it more than once In one day, because of its benefits that help eliminate fungi inside the mouth. Drink boiled sage with tea or without tea

 Drink boiled cinnamon with water, because it works to eliminate fungi in the mouth as well as the throat. Drink the hump

 Ironing the ground after boiling it with water, by drinking a small amount that does not exceed one cup, but here it must be taken into account that it works as an intestinal laxative

 Use concentrated lemon juice with vinegar. Soaked parsley: by rinsing it before bed. Use curd so that it works To kill and cleanse the mouth of fungi

