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Treatment of sinusitis with medicinal herbs

 Treatment of sinusitis with medicinal herbs

Treatment of sinusitis with medicinal herbs

Sinusitis is a common condition that affects many people, especially with different weather fluctuations from one season to another, or with excessive exposure to hot sunlight, or in the form of frequent allergies. And sinusitis means inflammation of the lining that makes up the sinuses in the nose and the surrounding skeleton, and the occurrence of great dryness in the nasal passages, and the accumulation of some fungi and bacteria in them, which causes a feeling of discomfort in breathing with clear irritation of the surrounding organs such as the eyes, throat and face in general

The inflammation of the sinuses may be of the simple or transient type, so that its duration does not exceed 3 weeks, or it may be a type of chronic allergy accompanying the person most of the time and extending for very long periods, and the sinusitis is accompanied by the occurrence of some annoying symptoms, which can be summarized as follows

Symptoms of sinusitis

Large bouts of frequent sneezing

Congestion and runny nose

Cough dry or with phlegm

Sensitivity in eyes from direct light

Redness of the eyes

Dental pain "sometimes"

Loss of smell

Pain in the face "cheeks and around the eyes"

Burning sensation and dryness in the nasal passages

Treatments used to get rid of sinusitis

Good room ventilation; The windows and doors of the bedroom must be opened to refresh the air for at least half an hour a day in the morning

Moisturizing the nose; As sinusitis dries up the nasal passages, so it must be moistened with a nasal spray 2-3 times a day to obtain adequate moisture and relieve associated symptoms

Avoid high heat. The person must stay cool and moist and stay away as much as possible from high-temperature places because it exacerbates the problem and dries the nose

Stay away from irritants to the nose. Such as exposure to chemicals such as hair fixatives, pesticides, deodorant, cigarette smoke, or other household cleaners

Maintaining body moisture: by drinking fluids of at least 8 cups of water a day, in addition to drinking warm drinks such as tea, various flowers and soups, while avoiding coffee because it dries up the nasal passages

Steam "nasal spray": It is one of the most successful treatments for sinuses. It gives it good hydration and relieves the symptoms associated with it, by boiling water in a bowl and then inhaling its steam while covering the head with a towel for 8 minutes after adding some auxiliary elements such as garlic, thyme oil, tea tree oil, sea salt and chopped onions with the addition of a kind of essential oil, And a little bit of conditioner for best results

Focusing on drinking tea, sage, ginger, thyme and lemon. Because it is highly effective in moisturizing the nasal passages, while avoiding dairy products because they harm the condition

Eat foods rich in Vitamin D and Vitamin C as they help heal sinuses

